Monday, June 27, 2011

Dustin's June 27 th Letter with pictures

Dear Mom,
Sounds like everyone missed you there at home and they are all glad to have you back. First off, my week was great! We had a ton of lessons with members and we were able to go on splits twice this week. We also found a bunch of new investigators to teach and the ward is progressing and adapting to the new bishop. We also had a baptism this week, woo hoo!!! Barbara Zindela Perez Fasabi was baptized by one Elder Divis on Saturday and confirmed on Sunday by Bishop Braga. Now we finally won the trust of the parents and her mom even came to church and stayed for all three hours and loved it and her dad was sad he couldn´t come due to his work. But the Lord is going to work miracles in their home through us. Here in this area we don`t use bikes, well actually the only area in the entire mission (I think in all of Peru) is the area I was in, in Pucallpa. And the water level has gone down about 2 and a half meters so it’s not much of a problem anymore. It seems crazy that Cameron is home and that you guys get to see him this week! I`m kinda jealous. Say hi to him for me and let him know that he`s the greatest :) And scout camp is coming up, I can only imagine that it is starting to get a little bit warmer there in good old Washington then. I always liked scout camp, or more of just the camping and playing part, but it was all good. I have the desire to explore the jungle but missionary work seems to keep me kinda busy :) It is great to hear about Trissa, Della, Mariah, and well the whole family. I miss you all but I will never get ´´trunky´´ or let it affect my mission negatively, but I will use your support and love to be able to become a better servant of God. I love you and am grateful for your constant love, support, and example that you offer me.
Elder Divis

Barbara and her family, Mom Dad daughter and niece
Perez family and us

Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 20th letter with pictures

2011 June 20
Dear Mom,

It`s great to hear that your Father`s Day experience was a good one :) Here Father`s Day was pretty normal. Everyone was drunk that night. Hope the investigators remember their commitments. This week was pretty good. We had trainings on Wednesday from president, his wife and the assistants. I learned a lot and I`m anxious to see the results. This week our numbers went down but for this next week there are high potentials. I am excited to work even more in this great work. I love being a missionary!!!! So Cameron made it back home after 2 years in the service of the Lord. Bet that feels weird :) and the other day I got a DearElder and found out that Kyle Olson is serving a mission. That is fantastic!!!! Where is he? How long has he been out? Caden and Colby will be leaving for the mission too in about a year uh? That is awesome! It is great to see that our ward is producing workers for the Lord`s Kingdom. I remember there were time when the ward didn`t have any missionaries in the mission field and now we are doing quite well. I am grateful for all those who have served missions, who are serving, and who will serve. It is something indescribable that changes lives. The baptisms that we had this week were extra special. Luis and Maybe Llucema got baptized on Saturday and their uncle got back from the mission in Argentina on Friday. He had no idea that we were teaching his family and was super happy to come home and see and baptize his niece and nephew. Two great gifts for a return missionary :) That`s all for this week. Love you mom!


Elder Divis
 Luis and Maybe Llucema and their family (before the baptism).
 Maybe,Williams, and Luis (wet)
everybody (after the baptism)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Dustin's June 13th Letter with Photos

Dear Mom,

My week was great! Once again. We had 2 baptisms on Saturday and they both got confirmed yesterday, woo hoo! and 9 investigators made it to church! We are progressing here in Iquitos :) We now have 2 baptisms planned for this weekend and 1 more on the 25th, and we hope that many more will accept the invitation to follow the Savior. Summer still hasn`t quite got here but don`t worry, its hot as hades when the sun comes out. It is still raining quite regularly (I`ve decided that it rains more here but it’s hotter in Pucallpa). I am having a blast being a missionary and I am grateful for this great opportunity I have to be a representative of Jesus Christ.

Sounds like you don`t get a day of rest. Flying to Denver, Seattle, Utah, Spokane, then back to Denver and Utah... don`t know how you do it but you continue to be Super Mom. I was thinking the other day that Cameron only has 4 days left in the mission, He`s gotta be trunky! haha ha. I really am thankful for his great example and can`t wait to see and talk to him about all the mission experiences. Say hi to all the family you visit and let them all know that I love them and pray for them. Hope all is well at home. I will send you pictures of the baptisms.

I love you and your e-mails are the best!


Elder Divis

  Baptism of Cristopher Moncada
 FHE with an investigator that is going to get baptised in 2 weeks

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dustin's June 6th Letter


My week was great. This week we had the presidental elections in Peru, The second time through. Don`t know if it matters to you but Ollanta won. Anyways, it sounds like you are having a fun time with you kids and grandkids. Have fun this week in Seattle and be sure to say hi to Dave and his family. Grandma told me that Cameron get home on the 17th!!! that`s crazy! And we have a new bishopric in the good old Colville 2nd ward huh? How long was Bishop Thompson bishop? Sounds like the ward is in good hands though.
The answers: There are around 50 missionaries here in Iquitos, I know right, a lot. there are 4 zones and each one has about 12 missionaries. And we go on splits sometimes. not every week but sometimes twice a week. We are working with our Ward mission leader to be able to do divisions or splits every Saturday and other occasions during the week. William e-mails me every once in a while, little things and I write him every once in a while too, but not every week.
We have 4 baptismal dates and 3 others that just have to attend church. and we are always looking for more. I will be sure to send pictures next week of our baptism. I love you mom and am grateful to have such a great family to lead me. Take care and keep being the best mom.
Elder Divis

P.S. Elder Parker Geren sent me a letter! Don`t know if you remember him. He`s my friend from Spokane who is serving in Arizona. He came to Colville with me once and ate dinner with us, and he`s short. I am sure you remember him. anyways, just a fun fact :) love ya