2012 March 26
Dear Mom,
My week was very busy. My companion and I got to our new
area together on Tuesday. We are now serving in the Tahuantinsuyo stake, in
Deseret ward. It`s the stake that covers the mission offices. We both got transferred
from San Juan de Lurigancho to Independecia the same day and we are now getting
comfortable in our new room, pention (food lady) and ward and responsibilities.
The assistants are in this same ward but they are always traveling to the
jungle and other parts of the mission doing what they do and they don`t have hardly
anytime in their area. Now it’s worse because there is a new assistant and he
isn`t use to so much tasks to do in one day. So we will be working here full-time
and when the assistants have time they will do splits with us. I am looking
forward to learning a lot here and having tons of success. One of the
assistants is a missionary from my group. We came to Lima, Peru side by side in
every plane and we roomed together in the CCM. He`s the best! Elder Essig is
his name. Our new room is just that ¨new¨. They placed the necessary things
(one dresser, two beds and two desks) in the room.... and that`s about it. We
had to find chairs, buy a broom, light bulbs, mop, etc. Many other things kept
us very busy. The best thing that happened is that we got to know the best
bishop ever and his brother is the ward mission leader, and there is a ton of
support in this ward. I will most likely finish my mission here and I am sure I
will have many great experiences here.
Thanks for the information about you lives and I hope all
goes well with work and vacations. Say hi to everyone back home. Thanks for the
scripture and all that you do for me. I am also looking forward to general conference.
Tonight we`re going to have Family Home Evening with President and Sister
Blunck! Should be good.
Love you tons!
Elder Dustin Divis